All Buttered Up
Film Club creates their own 5-minute length film for the WSD Film Festival
Jax Drezek, playing the Bank Manager, holding up a Butterfinger, a clearly valuable piece.
April 20, 2023
A bank that refuses a client to store his Butterfingers in the vault? That’s ridiculous … right? At the Ferrero Bank, an eager eyed, if not eccentric, Mr. Otto tries to convince the stubborn manager to let him deposit his valuable sweet goods in the short film, “Butterfinger Bank Deposit,” produced and directed by senior Connor Smith with the aid of Film Club.
Despite the thin cast and 5-minute length, Smith says he worked the hardest on this project out of any, and took 25 hours total of work, using up almost his whole free time over spring break.
“Even though I worked excruciatingly hard on the project, and through some technical difficulties where not so nice words were used, I am still very proud of what came out of it. Successes like these are what inspires me to keep producing,” Smith says with pride.

One of the main characters, Bank Manager, was played by senior Jax Drezek, who had not previously acted for a film production.
“It was way different from acting up on stage,” Drezek said. “On the stage, you get to see how things fit together, how things flow from one another and watch it get pieced together. With the filming, it was weird because sometimes it was out of order, and we don’t get to see the post-film edits that are made to improve the quality, so I was a little worried at first.”
“Butterfinger Bank Deposit” was submitted to the Wentzville Film Festival and it was named as a finalist in the story category. The cast and crew both agree that the project was really fun to work on and that being able to make a short funny skit was worth all the time spent.
Connor Smith, proud of the final product, has made the film available for all to see by uploading it to the Cob Studio Youtube channel, and he is currently working on releasing the even more humorous blooper reel by the end of May, so stay tuned for that by subscribing! Film Club is also looking for more members to help with productions, as well as actors to work in more short films. Film Club is hosted every Thursday in Room 237 during red SOAR Time.
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