High school has always been considered a major milestone in each person’s life, where they will have many precious moments, learn from many different opportunities, and figure out more about themselves along the way. From the very beginning as a freshman, to the final year as a senior, there is so much that these four years of your life give you to experience and learn before you enter an entirely new chapter of your life.
As the 2023-2024 school year begins, students are once again undergoing many new, different things, whether that be new classes, activities, or responsibilities. And, at times where you are entering moments of which you have never encountered, a piece of advice can always be welcome.
So, here is some advice from the teachers of LHS, for every student who is continuing through the journey known as high school.
Looking back to her own high school years, Mrs. Hickerson, the Advanced English II and English IV teacher, explained that she would definitely tell her younger self to, “not take things so seriously. I think that a lot of times stress is kind of caused by the drama that you create, or that you participate in. If you just take life with a grain of salt, look at the good instead of worrying about the bad things that you can’t control, it’ll be easier.”
As many of us know, being sociable can be so hard when days get tiring, disputes occur, and people continue to grow apart as life goes on. Mr. Hysong, a Formal Geometry, Formal Algebra 2, and Advanced Algebra 2 teacher here at Liberty, shared his advice about how to keep your social life as a more positive area. “Treat people with kindness and respect, and do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people that accept you for who you are,” Hysong said.
Another aspect of life that can sometimes be more stressful is jobs, both in high school and in your future career. For those students who worry about balancing a job along with their other day-to-day activities, or for those people who are thinking about what to do in the future, Coach Walterbach, the Freshman History teacher, said, “For a high schooler working a job, I think the hardest part is just learning how to show up and do your job. Once you do that, your job will get easier, and you’re learning a huge life skill,” Walterbach said. “I’d say after school, or in your career, my two pieces of advice is to find a job that you enjoy because if you’re going to do it for the rest of your life, you want to find something that you enjoy. I would also say that if you do go to college, or if you’re going to do something like technical school, get a job where you know that it’s kind of a guaranteed job.”
Of course, students of all grades, with different circumstances and roles to fill, are at risk of feeling an unbearable weight that is caused by life becoming more difficult. After all, with so many responsibilities to juggle at once, sometimes it can feel like it’s only a matter of time before you lose control.
However, the Chemistry and AP Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Beireman has some advice to share about when life feels depressing and hard to deal with. “Depending on what it is…cry. It always feels really good to cry. And then, talk to somebody. Talk to your parents, or talk to a friend. Even just grabbing somebody to go to QT with could help.” When something becomes too difficult to handle, Beierman said, “just drop it for a second, go doing something else to release your brain, and then come back to it later.”
School and education is one part of life that is quite crucial, but these years can also be stressful beyond belief, causing many people to forget their own worth during tough times. Whether it be failing a quiz or test, having an argument, accidently doing something that appears to be incredibly embarrassing, or making a mistake that seems colossal in the moment, it can be hard to truly remember your own value and importance in the midst of so many other worries.
Ms. Biere, the Ceramics 1 & 2, Sculpture 1 & 2, Painting, Drawing, and Art Fundamentals teacher, wants students to know that, “One of the best things you can do for yourself is to love yourself. Love others, look for the good in people. Forget about popularity, it means nothing in the real world. Kindness, having courage, and loving yourself will take you places in life. Lastly, good eye contact is one of the easiest ways to show respect and demonstrate your confidence.”