As finals are coming up and students start to study, I think some of us are thinking, should we do finals before Christmas break or after Christmas break?
In years past, Liberty has done finals after break, but last year and this year finals are before break which makes perfect sense.
Having finals after break is a lot harder. You lose all of your knowledge from the previous months and you’re still thinking about finals on break which you should not have to do.
Finals before break makes going into Christmas break more relieving and relaxing knowing when you go back to school in January there is going to be a fresh start waiting for you.
“I like finals before break rather than after break because you will forget everything over break,” Zane Mahler (9) said.
I asked a younger classmate and they also agreed with me for finals before break.
This year the Francis Howell School District is doing finals after break. A student from Francis Howell North understands one of the reasons to do finals in January but doesn’t necessarily agree with it.
“I think for some people it gives opportunities for people to study more, but for me I don’t study much over break and so I’ll forget all that I learned,” Madi Christensen (12) said.
Even other students in other schools who are doing after break finals don’t like it as much as before break finals. I think a majority of people agree and can relate to how Christensen is feeling about having to do finals after break for the Francis Howell district.
I asked some of the older classmates who have done both before and after break finals.
“It’s a lot better to have finals before break because you don’t have to worry about finals after break and you won’t have to take time off to study,” Nathan Goodman (12) said.
Personally, I really think having finals before break is really nice. Don’t just take my word for it, take all of the other people saying it with me as well. It is definitely stressful but going into the new semester with no stress is the best.