With the state of the world and the environment of our politics, the one thing we can agree on is that we are deeply divided as a country. I mean we’re called the United States of America, but right now we could be anything but. This deep divide has been brewing for a long time, and our differing views are getting so strong that it’s tearing families apart.
However, there is one thing powerful enough to pull us back from the darkness that’s clouding our judgement and drive out all this hate, and that’s love. Love is the universal unifier, it’s what brings us together, it’s one of the few things most people have in common, and I think Valentine’s Day will remind us of that.
Ruby Simmons, a prolific writer and good samaritan, had some good ideas on how we can counteract the hate that’s being peddled out in our country.
“If top officials would practice love, honor, and respect then that would counteract the bigotry and hatred,” Simmons said.
Another thing that makes love so universal is that the specific aspects of it might change but never the essence. Love is a very complex thing since it’s easy to feel but even harder to describe.
“Love has so many faces and the many different emotions attributed with it, change with any given person,” Simmons said. “There are also so many types of love. But none are any more important than the others. They all come from the heart.”
But love’s also so beautiful because of the good it can bring out of people. Love changes us for the better.
Love is the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s what brings us to life. Love is the thing that will help avail some of the heavy cloud that looms over America. After all, love does bring peace and harmony. Love is the very thing that will heal America and give us our sense of togetherness and comradery back.
Love is an all consuming, all embracing, all encompassing thing. It has no boundaries. No limits. It’s so much bigger than us, we are just the pieces that make up the whole puzzle. And it’s infinitely abundant. You just have to know the right place to look. We often forget that. We think that love’s not there just because we don’t see it right in front of faces, but it’s in the small things, in the details.
Pamela Jordan, a very selfless, hard-working, and dependable person, had some intriguing thoughts on why love is becoming invisible.
“The world just spews so much hate nowadays that the love is there, but people can’t see it. That being said, there are more good people than bad.”
Love is what keeps us here, it’s what keeps us grounded because while money is busy making the world go ‘round, love is what is making the ride worthwhile.
“We have to have love in order to live, otherwise we’d just be empty on the inside,” Jordan said. “You have to have self-love in order to love someone as well. You have to be able to know how to receive love too.”
Finally, love is a very striking and compelling thing as well, so you can doubt everything else but never doubt love.
“Love is a very powerful thing, especially when it’s reciperated because love makes us more powerful together,” Jordan said.