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  • Oct 28 / Varsity Boys SoccerLiberty High School - 5, Rock Bridge - 1
  • Oct 25 / Varsity FootballLiberty High School - 35, Holt - 7
  • Oct 24 / Varsity Boys SoccerLiberty High School - 5, Holt - 1
  • Oct 22 / Varsity Girls VolleyballLiberty High School - 0, Howell - 3
  • Oct 22 / Varsity Boys SoccerLiberty High School - 3, Summit - 2
Student News of Liberty High School


Student News of Liberty High School


Student News of Liberty High School


Emily Griffith

Emily Griffith, Reporter

Emily Griffith is a sophomore, and this is her second year in the journalism program. Emily is also on the Varsity Softball team this year and announces for the Liberty Baseball team as well. Emily enjoys writing, photography, baking, softball, and dogs. When not in the classroom, Emily is big on travel and would like to travel to Italy, France, and England. Emily plans on furthering her education by going to either Ole Miss, SLU, or OU. Emily would love to play softball in college as well. After college, Emily is uncertain about what her future will hold.

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Emily Griffith