Track Community Bands Together To Face Severe Storm
A lightning storm in the middle of a track event left athletes figuring out ways to have fun.
Liberty’s field event participants pack up after their events were cancelled.
May 11, 2022
A severe lightning storm left athletes scrambling to take cover indoors. On April 29, at the Grizzly Invitational track meet held at North Point High School, a storm interrupted the second event. Those running in the race had to continue, but everyone else was ushered into the school cafeteria. Inside athletes were told that the rest of the meet may not happen. All coaches met up to discuss the situation at hand.
Competitors and coaches had mixed feelings about the continuation of the meet.
Jasmin Crouch from Troy Buchanan said, “I hope so, but I don’t think it’s going to.” When Crouch saw the lightning, she mentioned that she was excited because then she could go home.
Lebron Mathews also from Troy Buchanan said, “I want to go home and play Apex because I don’t want to be here, really.”
Athletes split the fence on whether or not the events would be delayed or canceled.
“I just looked at the forecast and the rain isn’t coming back until one a.m., so it’s kind of rough,” Mathews added.
“I have no idea, I don’t really care, to be honest, I’m just having fun,” Jordan said.
Sam Coppedge and Dominic Lancaster from Holt both had the same idea, and collectively agreed, “Right now I want

to go home, I really hope it gets canceled.”
Athletes had creative ways to keep themselves entertained while waiting for the storm to pass. Crouch played 1v1 ping pong while waiting.
“We’re having a great time actually, I wish that every track meet was like this,” Crouch said.
“We’re playing basketball with a Gatorade,” Coppedge said. Minutes later their group was told to calm down and throw the bottle away, so their fun was quickly put to an end.

Mathews said that he was just chilling and talking to his friends.
“Right now we’re playing rock paper scissors and dancing,” Jordan said. “Just for fun.”
Elias Neely from Union High School was playing headbands with a group of friends. “We’re chilling, we’re having a good time,” Neely said. He also mentioned he was kind of sad about the rain coming through because he felt good and was ready to run, but overall he was happy.

Alexis O’Mara passed the time by eating a turkey sandwich.
At 4:53 p.m. all athletes were told to head back outside as the weather had completely cleared.
Crouch placed first team-wise in both the girl’s 4×100 meter relay and 4×200 meter relay. Mathews’ long jump event was canceled. Coppedge placed 11th in the boy’s 300-meter hurdles. Neely placed fourth in both the boy’s 4×200 meter relay and the boy’s 200-meter run. Neely also placed third in the 400-meter run and first team-wise in the boy’s 4×400 meter relay. Alexis O’Mara placed first team-wise in the girl’s 4×800 meter relay.