The Balance Between a Job, School, and Sports
Students learn how to deal with time management

Layla Bane, Maddy Breckenridge, Sophie Chenot and Kyndall Stubblefield are all members of the golf team.
September 30, 2022
Most kids here at Liberty have to juggle between having a job, playing a sport, and having to deal with school. Some kids find it easy to juggle between all three, but some on another hand find it as a struggle.
Freshman Zoe Snell has to deal with both a sport and school at the same time. This is her first year participating in fall guard and and it’s a challenging process.
“Absolutely, we practice everyday before school starts and twice a week after school ends,” Snell said. “I have two days a week of free time and I spend it doing all weeks worth of homework.”
Natalie Hoffmann, a senior, has talked about how it is trying to deal with a sport, a job, and school. She starts off by saying that trying to deal with all three activities is definitely worth it. Hoffman says she’s in color guard from fall to winter and has played this sport since May of 2019. She states this is her seventh season as of now. Hoffman works at Kohl’s where she is the main closer and sometimes works at the customer service desk.
“Kohl’s is really understanding and very supportive so they try to work around what I’m doing,” Hoffmann said.
Hoffmann says that having a job, playing a sport and dealing with school is “definitely not easy.”
She says it is really stressful. Hoffman says it is so stressful that she considers bringing her homework to work with her so she can do it while she is on break. However, despite all of the inconvenience, she still thinks it is all worth it.
Kyndall Stubblefield is a senior who has a sport, but not a job. She talks about how it can be a little overwhelming and challenging, but always fun. Stubblefield, a senior, is on the girls golf team. She has been on the golf all four years now, since freshman year.
“My senior year is going great. I’m really sad to have to leave everybody behind,” Stubblefield said. She also says that it is “a little difficult” to balance school and sports.
“With the right schedule, I have time to practice and study,” she said.
Stubblefield has some free time during the weekends. “I have them all to myself.”
On the weekdays, practice is from 2:45- 5:30 p.m. Even though she doesn’t have a job, she has thought of having one but she says she couldn’t because she would miss her work shifts during golf season.