Fort Zumwalt and Francis Howl decided to cancel their finals. Well, they haven’t canceled finals completely.
Finals for students will not lower their grade by any means but can improve students grades. This is due to the fact that we did not have school for an entire week because of the snow days. Fort Zumwalt’s and Francis Howell’s finals were already determined to take place after winter break and not before the break like other schools.
A teacher from Fort Zumwalt West explained her thoughts.
“I think the finals should be before the break even before all of the snow days,” Fort Zumwalt teacher Lynn Hudson said. “There is no reason we should have made the finals how they were. I get that it would have messed up scheduling, but another reason for finals to be before break.”
Clearly some of the teachers did not like how they made the finals not count towards your grade, but some of the students had different opinions towards the situation.
“I’m really happy about the finals situation because I tend to forget everything over break and then I just feel stressed more I think it was a great choice to make finals not count against you considering we never got days to study and then we wouldn’t have time to study before break,” Fort Zumwalt student Ashley Hunter said.
It’s not just one student, it’s many who agree with Hunter.
“I am pretty happy about having no finals because it reduces a lot of stress,” Fort Zumwalt student Ayra Johnson said. “It would have been fine if we still had finals, but they were not counted negatively towards our grades. I understand that this would have messed up scheduling for the next semester, so I do think they made the right decision.”
There is a difference between student and teacher thoughts. The whole finals situation doesn’t just affect Fort Zumwalt and Francis Howell School District. This leads to the question: Is it fair that both of the school districts did not have their final count against their grade versus the Wentzville School District, where it did count against you?