The Path to Success
School practically in your backyard.
Nathan Bowsher walks to school though a trail connecting Sommers Landing and Liberty High School.
September 29, 2017
There are numerous paths around Liberty that lead students to and from school. With so many people walking to school, some have created their own trail.
“I walk a trail that was made from so many people stomping and walking through it over the years,” freshman Allison Stabile said.
Being so close to school can have you at all events, whether you decide to go watch the football game or wanting to hangout with your friends.
“Being so close to school allows me to go to cool events or practice without having to find a ride,” freshman Julia Fallert said.
Waking up late? Not a problem if you live close enough.
Students who walk to school don’t have to worry about missing the bus or not having enough time to be ready before your ride gets there. You could also walk to QT before school and have time to talk to friends.
With school practically in your backyard for neighborhoods Countryshire, Preston Woods and Sommers Landing, there are disadvantages. One issue is hearing feet stomping on the stands and the cheer of the students for the winning team in your bedroom. Another obstacle students deal with is when dead grass sticks to your shoes making your socks wet because of the morning dew.
“The wet dead grass is gross and causes my socks to get all wet and it gets annoying,” Stabile said.
Even though most live close enough to walk, some choose to take the car. It’s the faster and/or easier option. This is especially true in the winter.
“I don’t get wet from the rain or snow and it’s faster to drive,” sophomore Emily Beauto said.
Older siblings who drive are usually asked by their parents to take their younger family members to go with them.
“My brother who’s a senior can drive so I catch a ride with him instead of walking. If he is sick and I don’t have sports, I’ll walk home,” Beauto said.
Walking to school has its perks and its disadvantages. Whether you’re walking or driving, we all find ways to get to school in our own way. No matter how you get to school, we all come together to further our futures.