Some people maybe be wondering what a showcase is, or maybe even wondering why the school hosts one? On Oct. 4, a showcase was held in the Liberty cafeteria from 5-6:30 p.m. The showcase is where numerous clubs set up tables representing their clubs and recruiting new club members. This event also featured the elementary and middle schools that feed into LHS.
Elementary student choir clubs from Discovery Ridge, Prairie View, and Crossroads all took turns signing multiple different songs.
Shown Clubs/classes
- DRE Club
- Frontier Art Club
- Hales box of crayons synergize
- Liberty Drama
- Care Club
- Yearbook
- LHS Publications
- LHS Choir
Liberty’s drama clubs poster. (Shelby Maret)
After the showcase, there was a roundtable discussion from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The discussion included district administrators, staff members, school leadership, board of education and parents. This discussion talked about school academics and problem solving important district issued topics. Liberty isn’t the only school that has had a showcase. There are multiple schools that haven’t had there’s yet. Those schools are: North Point High School on Dec. 6, Holt High School on Feb. 7, 2024, and Timberland High School on Mar. 6, 2024.

Care Club is a club at Frontier Middle School where students make people cards for birthdays and holidays. These cards are to help make people feel better about themselves, and bring joy and happiness into their lives. The club also has a good luck penny card; it’s a white card that says “Having you at Frontier brings us all Good Luck!” with a lucky penny on it.