Scholar Bowl is a high intensity competition where schools compete against each other in a random array of trivia where teams buz in at nail biting speeds to determine who the better team is. In Scholar Bowl, teamwork is everything. Each student must bring their own unique background. Recently on Sept. 23, the club held its first meeting of the year with both new and tenured members warming up their skills for competition.
Patrick Emery (11), the individual in his group considered as the “math guy,” explains how Scholar Bowl helps him with his in school academics as a whole.
“It does keep me fresh, especially this year because I don’t have a math class,” Emery said. “It’ll keep me fresh on my math how and how quickly I can do it, and sometimes its just general questions that you learn about school.”
Will Rentfro (11) explains how they best find people’s strengths in the group.
“Sometimes we have a guy who is good in a specific area, like Patrick is the best in math out of all of us,” Rentfro said.
Rentfro enjoys both the social aspects and competition aspects of the club.
“Being with my friends and answering questions that make me sound smart, it gives me a bit of a self-esteem boost,” Rentfro said.
The sponsor of the club, Mr. Schaper explains how the club’s competitions help in building team amongst the participants.
“Beyond the competitions, working as a team and sharing responsibility is a great way to prepare for the future,” Schaper said. “Whatever work the members do later in life will require collaboration with other people, finding out how to best use your own skills to help a team, and learning when to step up and take the lead when the occasion arises. Scholar Bowl helps students practice all of these things in a fun and friendly way.”
Truly showing that in Scholar Bowl, the sum is more than just its parts.