Senior Year vs. Sophomore Year
Rachel Church and Marley Higlen discuss the difference and experiences between senior and sophomore year
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About the Contributors

Rachel Church, Reporter
Rachel Church is a senior and this is her third year in publications, filming and editing her own videos. Other than Publications, she is the Technical Director for Liberty’s drama program and helps with many other performances. Outside of school she likes listening to music, hanging out with friends, and binging TV shows. After high school she plans on studying film in the hopes of working in the film industry. She’s glad it’s her last year of high school and is excited to see what senior year has to offer.

Marley Higlen, Reporter
Marley Higlen is a dedicated and driven sophomore. This is her second year in publications and she will be the sports writer and reporter for publications this year. Higlen loves being in select treble choir and being on drama clubs exec board. All Higlen hopes for this year is to make a difference in her community whether that's big or small. Higlen’s older brother moved into collage at the beginning of the school year but that only makes her more determined to not just live up to him but continue to make the impact that he always wanted in this school. Higlen loves to work, fish and travel with family and friends.